Special Immigrant Juvenile Status


To obtain Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) in California, you need a dependency order from a juvenile court, a court order stating you cant be reunited with one or both parents due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment, and a determination that its not in your best interest to return to your home country. For pro bono legal assistance, you can contact the Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice or check the Los Angeles County Bar Associations Pro Bono Directory. Researching individual lawyers online or through local legal aid organizations can also be helpful.

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The inquires of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Name : Alvin Yifei REN DOB: Jan * * Status: Student of Art Centre College of Design Arrived Date: Sep * My father(Pan Ren) had abandoned me and has never contacted me or given me money for living expenses since I came to the USA . Now I have been admitted to the top design school Art Center College of Design. After knowing my situation, our school legal aid of my college recommended Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) to me. It could help me to continue my study and Bright future.
Hello Alvin, sorry to hear about your situation. For SIJS in California, you need:
*. A "dependency order" from a juvenile court.
*. A court order stating that you can't be reunited with one or both parents due to abuse, neglect, abandonment.
*. It's not in your best interest to return to your home country.
Have you started any of these proceedings?
please help me find PRO BONO lawyer in LA
Sure, Alvin. You can check the Los Angeles County Bar Association's Pro Bono Directory which lists various organizations offering free legal services. You can find it at their official website: www.lacba.org.
Sure, Alvin. I recommend contacting the "Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice". They provide pro bono assistance for SIJS cases. Their contact number is (*) *-*. You can also visit their website at www.laclj.org for more information.
I'm sorry, but as a legal information provider, I don't have specific information about individual lawyers such as Tannia M. Schmist. I'd recommend researching her online or asking local legal aid organizations for feedback about her.
That's fine, Alvin. If you have any other legal questions, or need further guidance on SIJS or finding pro bono legal assistance, please feel free to ask.
Sure Alvin, I'm here to assist. What additional legal questions or concerns do you have?
I'm sorry, Alvin, but I don't have the capacity to rank lawyers. I would suggest contacting local legal aid organizations, they may have lists of pro bono lawyers who specialize in SIJS cases. A good starting point could be the Los Angeles County Bar Association's Pro Bono Directory.