Education For Undocumented Individuals


Undocumented individuals in France have the right to education, including public schools and universities. They may need to apply for a student visa, pay international tuition fees, and provide proof of previous education. If already residing in Paris, they should consult the specific institution for admission requirements and contact the Préfecture de Police for visa status changes. If the visa has expired, it is advisable to regularize the situation with French authorities. The DDSDEN Paris can provide further assistance on educational policies.

Full Conversation

Hello Li, how can I assist you with your legal queries today?
can an individual without status still enroll in school in paris
Yes, in France, everyone has the right to education, regardless of their immigration status. This includes pub****c schools and universities. However, certain administrative procedures may apply. Can you tell me the age and the level of study of the individual?
* and college degree
Bonjour Li,
In France, someone without immigration status can still pursue further education. However, they would need to:
- Apply for a student visa if they're from outside the EU.
- Pay international tuition fees.
- Provide previous education certificates.
Please verify the admission requirements with the chosen institution.
what do you mean
I mean that an individual without legal status can still study in France. They may need to apply for a student visa (if they're from outside the EU), pay international tuition fees and provide proof of their previous education. It's best to check with the specific institution for their requirements.
what if the individual is ****ved in paris
If the individual is already residing in Paris, they will still need to fulfill the requirements mentioned ear****er. Please consult with the education institution to get accurate information.
where do individual can apply visa in paris
The individual can apply for a visa at the French Embassy or Consulate in their home country. If they are already in Paris, they can visit the Préfecture de Po****ce for information on applying for a change of status.
what are the requirements
The requirements to change status to a student visa in France generally include:
- Proof of enrollment in a French institution
- Proof of sufficient financial resources
- Proof of health insurance
- A va****d passport
Please verify these with the Préfecture de Po****ce in Paris.
what is change status in france
Changing status in France refers to the process of modifying your existing visa or residency permit. For instance, if you were originally in France on a tourist visa but now wish to study, you'd need to change your status to a student visa. This requires specific documentation and procedures.
what if my visa expired can i still apply for change status
In France, it's generally advised to apply for change of status before your current visa expires. If it has expired, you may face comp****cations. It's best to contact the Préfecture de Po****ce in Paris for further assistance.
can i still enroll in school in france if my visa expired
In France, you can still enroll in school even if your visa has expired. However, you may face challenges in administrative procedures and it's generally recommended to regularize your situation with French authorities. Contact Préfecture de Po****ce in Paris for further information.
what is ddsden in paris
The DDSDE of Paris (Direction des services départementaux de l'éducation nationale) is the local educational authority responsible for implementing educational po****cies in Paris. It works under the French Ministry of National Education and Youth. For specific queries, I'd recommend directly contacting them.
where should i contact them

Direction des services départementaux de l'éducation nationale (DDSDEN) Paris

Phone: * * * * *
Address: * Boulevard General Jean Simon, * Paris, France
You're welcome, Li! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
/do you sleep
As an artificial intel****gence, I don't require sleep. I'm available */* to assist you with your legal queries. How may I help you further?
how to sleep
Although I specia****ze in providing legal advice, here are some general tips for better sleep:
- Maintain a regular sleep schedule
- Avoid caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime
- Create a restful environment
- Exercise regularly
- Manage stress
Please consult with a healthcare professional for persona****zed advice.
how to fight depression
Although I'm a legal advisor, I'd recommend you to seek professional help if you're fee****ng depressed. In France, you can contact the "SOS suicide écoute" at * * * * * or "SOS Suicide Phénix" at * * * * *. They provide free and confidential assistance.