F1 Visa Llc Registration


Students on F1 visas can register an LLC in New York but must avoid active participation to comply with visa terms. Actively participating includes regular involvement in operations, decision-making, and receiving compensation. Seeking investors is generally permissible but must comply with SEC regulations. Consult an immigration attorney for personalized advice.

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Do you know about F1 Visas?
Yes, I can provide general information about F1 Visas. They're non-immigrant visas for those who want to study in the U.S. Would you like specific information about applying for an F1 Visa or any particular aspect?
I wanted to know if students on an F1 visa can register an LLC in New York?
Yes, students on an F1 visa can register an LLC in New York. Here are some points:
- F1 visa doesn't restrict you from owning an LLC.
- You can't work for the LLC unless you have work authorization.
- Any active participation might violate visa terms.
Ensure you consult an immigration attorney before proceeding.
What if I register an LLC & then look for investors?
Looking for investors for your LLC is generally permissible. However, below are some considerations:
- You could violate visa terms if you actively participate in the business.
- It's essential to comply with SEC regulations when seeking investors.
- Professional advice is recommended for such complex matters.
What does actively participating in the business mean?
Actively participating usually means:
- Regular involvement in day-to-day operations.
- Making decisions for the business.
- Receiving a salary or other compensation.
Legal advice is recommended to clarify this based on your specific situation.