Choreography Copyright Protection


Choreography can be copyrighted under Federal law. Without a contract, its difficult to prevent use. To prove infringement, show valid copyright, access, and copying. Record your choreography as evidence. For contract creation, identify parties, define terms, specify payment, state obligations, include termination clause, and have both parties sign. Consult with a local attorney for detailed guidance.

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i am a dance choreographer and i made a dance for a quince if they fire me and i ask them to not use the moves i taught them while being their choreographer and they refuse can i sue the
Hello Herson, this largely depends on the terms of your contract. If there's no contract protecting your choreography, it might be difficult to sue.
- Copyright laws can protect choreography.
- Without a contract, it's complex.
May I know your location to provide specific laws?
In Virginia:
- Choreography can be copyrighted under Federal law.
- If you didn't have a contract, it's difficult to prevent use.
- You can possibly sue for copyright infringement if you can prove it.
For further help, consider consulting with a local attorney.
how would i be able to prove it
To prove copyright infringement in Virginia, you would need to:
- Show you own a valid copyright.
- Demonstrate the infringing party had access to the copyrighted work.
- Prove the work was copied.
- Record your choreography to provide as evidence.
Consult with a copyright lawyer for specific instructions.
how do i make a contract
To create a contract, follow these steps:
- Identify the parties involved.
- Define the terms and conditions.
- Specify the payment details.
- State the obligations of each party.
- Include a termination clause.
- Have both parties sign and date the contract.
Consult with a contract lawyer for precise advice.