Trademark Application Filing Guide
No formal trademark application was submitted since no serial number or record exists in the USPTO system, and no fees were paid. Therefore, express abandonment is not a concern. To refile, conduct a thorough trademark search, prepare and file your application with the USPTO, and monitor its status.Full Conversation
I decided I wanted to file for a trademark, but later realized it wasn't the best thing to do at the time. So I decided to stop it. However, I said I wanted to "abandon the application", but I really meant postpone it until a later date.
called USPTO to confirm if there was a pending application
called the third party co. about the serial number associated with the cancelled application - "we didn't submit an application"
since I didn't have a serial number, the USPTO couldn't do a search for my trademark. So I searched trademarks on their trademark search page, and found nothing related to my trademark after searching by name and the name of the trademark.
no filing fees were paid
no serial number or filing receipt was given to me
didn't see my trademark as pending in the USPTO search system
*For more information, this third - party co. was untrustworthy and had a bad reputation. Do I need to worry about an express abandonment that I didn't mean to do?
****, it seems like no formal application was submitted since there's no serial number or record in the USPTO system, and no fees were paid. Therefore, you likely don't need to worry about an express abandonment.
Would you like information on how to properly refile your trademark application when you're ready?
Great! When you're ready to refile your trademark application, here are the steps you can follow:
- Conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure your trademark is available.
- Prepare and file your application with the USPTO, including paying the filing fees.
- Monitor the status of your application through the USPTO website.
Is there anything else you'd like to know about trademark applications or the process?