Cyber Attacks Violate Law


The cyber-attacks on The Charrington Observer and Goldstein LLP by Oceania violate international law. The malware used was traced to Oceania’s IP addresses and contained code from the Bureau’s ‘Rocket Bomb’ program. These actions breach the prohibition of the use of force under Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, infringe on Eastasia’s sovereignty, and violate non-intervention principles by disrupting judicial processes and causing economic damage.

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What breaches of sovereignty and non intervention principles exactly
To argue breaches of sovereignty and non-intervention principles, consider the following points:
*. **Sovereignty**:
- Unauthorized cyber operations targeting another state’s infrastructure.
- Disruption of judicial processes and private entities within Eastasia.
*. **Non-Intervention**:
- Interfering in Eastasia’s internal affairs by targeting media and legal entities.
- Economic damage and forced bankruptcy of Eastasian entities.
Would you need more details on legal precedents or further elaboration on these principles?