Ethical Standards For Lawyers
A good lawyer adheres to ethical standards, including honesty and integrity. If your lawyer lies to you, you can report them to the New Zealand Law Society, seek a new lawyer, or consult another lawyer to assess the possibility of a malpractice lawsuit. Getting a second opinion can also be beneficial.Full Conversation
If my lawyer lies to me what should I do
You have a few options:
- Report them to the local bar association
- Consider finding a new lawyer
- File a malpractice lawsuit if the lie caused harm
Can you please share your location to provide more specific advice?
New Zealand
In New Zealand, if you believe your lawyer has lied to you, you can:
- Contact the New Zealand Law Society to make a complaint
- Consider seeking a new lawyer
- Consult another lawyer to assess the possibility of a malpractice lawsuit
Remember, getting a second opinion can also be beneficial.