Mental Health Evaluation Request


In Tennessee, you can request a mental health evaluation for someone if they pose an imminent danger to themselves or others or cannot care for themselves due to mental illness, typically requiring a court order. Proving Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) in court is challenging and requires a licensed mental health professionals diagnosis. You can sue for defamation if false statements harm your reputation and are shared with a third party. Harassment via text messages in Tennessee requires context, content, and ideally, timestamps and sender data. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

Full Conversation

Is narcissistic personality disorder something that can be proven in court?
Proving Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) in court can be challenging:
- Courts require concrete evidence, not just hearsay or personal beliefs.
- A licensed mental health professional should diagnose the person.
Please remember, privacy laws protect medical diagnoses. This can complicate matters in court.
If someone with narcissistic personality disorder has been creating lies and reporting harassment at work, can you sue them?
You can sue for defamation if:
- They knowingly made false statements about you.
- Those statements caused harm to your reputation.
- The statements were shared with a third party.
This is a complex issue. You should consult with a local employment or defamation attorney in Tennessee.
If there are pictures of messages sent via text with no time stamp or number associated can it be viewed as harassment in Tennessee?
In Tennessee, harassment can include repeated unwanted contact causing emotional distress. However, for text messages:
- The content of the messages is crucial.
- It helps to have a timestamp and sender's data.
- Context matters; are they threatening, derogatory, or intimidating?
Please consult a local attorney for advice specific to your situation.