Military Police Regulatory Compliance
Military police are generally governed by military law and specific military regulations. The Regulatory Powers Act 2014 is primarily for civilian regulatory bodies in Australia, but military police might still need to comply with certain aspects depending on jurisdiction and specific regulations. Understanding the interaction between military and civilian laws is crucial for comprehending the full scope of military police duties.Full Conversation
Do military police have to follow the regulatory powers act *
Military police are generally governed by military law and regulations, which can differ from civilian laws. The Regulatory Powers Act * primarily applies to civilian regulatory bodies in Australia. However, military police might still need to comply with certain aspects depending on jurisdiction and specific regulations.
Would you like more details on military law or specific regulations governing military police?
Military police are typically bound by military law, and their conduct is primarily governed by military-specific regulations. However, certain civilian laws like the Regulatory Powers Act * can still apply in certain contexts.
Would you like information on specific military regulations, or details on how civilian laws interact with military police duties?