Parental Rights In Ohio


In Ohio, if a child is born during a marriage, the spouse is presumed to be the legal parent, even in same-sex marriages. If the wife has a child with someone else, the spouse could potentially have parental rights. Consult a family lawyer for detailed guidance.

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My fiancee is married to another woman. They are a lesbian couple and her wife is pregnant by a man but not through artificial insemination and they are not legally separated. Does she have rights to the child since they are married and a lesbian couple.
Hello Victoria, this is a complex issue. The laws regarding parental rights can vary greatly depending on the location. Could you please tell me where this is taking place?
In Ohio:
- If a child is born during a marriage, the husband is presumed to be the legal father, even in same-sex marriages.
- If the wife has a child with someone else, the husband could potentially have parental rights.
Please consult a family lawyer for detailed guidance.