Hidden Camera Legal Concerns


Hidden cameras in private spaces like motel rooms can be a significant violation of privacy laws. If you suspect illegal surveillance, document evidence and report it to local authorities. Consider consulting a privacy law attorney to explore your legal options and ensure your rights are protected.

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I been with my boyfriend for 15 years . We are staying in a motel and i found cameras in here . I believe someone he is with that i didn't know about all the way until now . We was having sex one night i. Here he looked at the cameras where she must have been because he was looking at her feeling bad for her that he was having sex with me . Not that he was hurting me by what he was doing to me . I never felt so dirty like i just wanted to die right then . I started to cry and he got a little man that i was . I told him i knew ge telling me i am a liar . I believed it is a police officer. So i called them before in they more less blow me off . I need to know what can i do