Contesting Will In Florida


If you believe your brothers rights have been violated in a will contest, Florida law allows for contesting under circumstances like undue influence or fraud. Legal aid organizations and law school clinics can provide free or low-cost assistance. Only interested persons, such as heirs or devisees, can generally contest a will, but legal guardians may have standing if the person is incapacitated. Consult a probate attorney for personalized advice.

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the case is so complex no one wants to take it even for free
I understand your predicament. Could you provide more specifics about your case? This will help me provide more relevant legal information.
my family set my brother up to get arrest so he cannot contest
I'm sorry to hear about your brother's situation. To understand better, could you clarify what your brother was supposed to contest? This would help me provide more accurate information.
on will
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. If you feel your brother's rights have been violated, he may need to consult a lawyer. Florida law allows contesting a will under certain circumstances, such as undue influence or fraud. It's important to gather all relevant evidence.
there is no one to help with this case
I'm sorry to hear about your brother's situation. It's important to try different resources. Florida has numerous legal aid organizations that provide free or low-cost legal services. They may be able to assist in complex cases like this.
they couldnt assist me
I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties. In such complex cases, it might be helpful to reach out to The Florida Bar Referral Service. They can connect you with lawyers who specialize in your type of case.
can i contest will on his behalf
In Florida, generally only interested persons, such as heirs or devisees, can contest a will. However, if your brother is incapacitated and you are his legal guardian, you might have standing. It's best to consult with a probate attorney in Florida.
why isnt poking the bear a good case
"Poking the bear" is a metaphor and doesn't provide a clear legal question. Are you referring to a specific legal situation or strategy? Could you please provide more context?
why is it ok to invoke anger from someone
Legally speaking, intentionally invoking anger can lead to situations like harassment, assault, or other criminal offenses. However, laws vary by state and situation. Could you provide more context to your query?
they have provoked my brother for 6 months or more to get him arrested
I'm sorry to hear about your brother's situation. In Florida, if someone purposely provokes another person with the intent of causing a harmful response, it may be considered harassment. Please consult with a criminal defense attorney for guidance.
a lawyer told me that isnt a defense
In Florida, provocation may not always be a legal defense depending on the circumstances. However, it can potentially affect sentencing. It's best to consult a criminal defense attorney who can evaluate the specific details of your brother's case.
can this case be considered high profile
A case can be considered high profile based on factors like media attention, public interest, or involvement of high-profile individuals. It's not determined by the complexity or type of case. Your brother's situation, while serious, doesn't automatically categorize it as high profile.
we wereraised by a narcissist mother
I'm sorry to hear about your family situation. Can you tell me how this relates to your legal concern about your brother's case or the will dispute?
she has said to us that she should of stopped having kids after my older one
I can see this is a distressing situation. How does your mother's statement relate to your brother's legal case or the will you are contesting? Remember, evidence is crucial in legal proceedings.
she is vile and says hurtful and mean stuff aswell as my uncle doing this too to get a reaction from him
I'm sorry to hear about your family's situation. In Florida, verbal abuse, especially when it's repetitive and causes emotional distress, may be considered a form of harassment. However, the context and details are important. Please consult a family law attorney for guidance.
this case is so complex how do i get free lawyers
I understand your situation is complex. Florida has several legal aid services that provide free or low-cost legal help. Here are a few:
- Florida Rural Legal Services
- Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County
- Bay Area Legal Services
You can also contact The Florida Bar's Lawyer Referral Service for more legal aid options.
what law colleges help with cases
Many law colleges have legal clinics that provide free or low-cost services to the public. In Florida, you might want to consider:
- University of Florida Levin College of Law
- Florida State University College of Law
- University of Miami School of Law
Remember to contact them directly to understand their services and availability.