Stopping Estate Mismanagement


In Missouri, if theres no will, the estate should be divided equally among all children. You can file a petition in probate court against your sister for mismanagement and to recover proceeds. Entering a property without permission can be considered trespassing, even if its part of your fathers estate. Obtain permission by requesting it from current occupants or through legal action. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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How can I stop my sister who has been seeling all of my father's estate and not dividing the profits with his other children ? There was no will
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's important to know your location as inheritance laws vary. Are you considering any legal action currently?
I live in Missouri and yes she has stolen almost everything and kept the money.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Missouri:
- If there's no will, the estate should be divided equally among all children.
- You can file a petition in probate court against your sister.
- Legal action may be necessary to recover the proceeds.
Please consult with a local attorney for more information.
Do I need permission to go on a property if people are living there and it was told to me after someone died
Hello ****, in Missouri, entering a property without permission can be considered trespassing, even if it's part of your father's estate. It's recommended to seek legal advice before entering. You may need to initiate legal proceedings to gain access.
How do I get permission
Hello ****, in Missouri, you can obtain permission through the following steps:
- Request permission from the current occupants.
- If denied, consult a lawyer and consider legal action, like filing a petition in probate court.
- Court may grant you permission if the claim is valid.
Please consult with a local attorney for assistance.