Probate Inventory Requirements Explained


In Michigan, the Personal Representative of an estate must provide an inventory of significant assets like real estate, bank accounts, and valuable personal property. Items of minimal value, such as clothing, can be grouped together. If you have already submitted an inventory, confirm with the probate court that it was received.

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My husband passed away over a year ago and now his adult daughter is requesting, through probate, a detailed list of his belongings. Why
Hello Daisy, sorry for your loss. The probate process often requires a detailed inventory of the deceased's estate. This could be why your husband's daughter is asking for a list. The rules can vary based on location, may I know where you are located?
I live in allegan county michigan
Hello Daisy, in Michigan, the Personal Representative of an estate is required to provide an inventory of assets to interested parties. This includes:
- Real estate
- Personal belongings
- Bank accounts
- Other assets
This inventory helps ensure fair distribution of the estate.
I gave probate that last year
Hello Daisy, if you already submitted an inventory to the probate court last year, you may want to reach out to the court to confirm they received it. It's important to keep records of everything submitted for probate.
How detailed of list do i have to give? Like how many sockes he had, or underwear, or what
In Michigan, the inventory doesn't usually require counting individual clothing items. It typically includes:
- Real property
- Personal property of significant value
- Bank accounts
- Investments
Items of small value can be grouped together. For instance, clothes.