Probate Process In Virginia


If a person dies without a will in Virginia, the estate is distributed according to intestate laws. The spouse inherits everything if there are no descendants. If there are descendants, the spouse and descendants share the estate. If no spouse or descendants, other relatives inherit in a specific order. In the absence of a spouse or other children, the biological child may be considered a rightful heir. The existence of a will and the appointment of an executor usually come to light during the probate process. Contact the Probate Division of the Circuit Court in the county where the deceased resided to inquire about the will. Consulting with a probate attorney is advisable.

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My daughters Biological father died recently and i was contacted by his girlfriend of 11 years who said he had been doing a will and he had put her in it but dont know if he ever did anything with it , his family will do everything to hide this from her how ever he owns a lot and I mean a lot wont there have to be probate court , how can I find out if there was a Will or if he has an Executor of a state
Hello ****. Firstly, I'm sorry for your loss. The existence of a will and the appointment of an executor usually come to light during the probate process. Could you please tell me which state you're in, as probate laws vary by location?
In Virginia:
- A Will is filed with the Probate Division of the Circuit Court in the county where the deceased resided.
- You can contact the Probate Division to inquire.
- If no Will is found, the estate will be handled as per Virginia's intestate laws.
Va intestate laws?
In Virginia, if someone dies without a will (intestate):
- The spouse inherits everything if there are no descendants.
- If there are descendants, the spouse and descendants share the estate.
- If no spouse or descendants, other relatives inherit in a specific order.
He never married and never had any othe children
In this case, as per Virginia's intestate laws:
- If the deceased has no spouse or other children, the estate would go to the next closest relatives.
- Your daughter, as a biological child, may be considered a rightful heir.
- It's advisable to consult with a probate attorney.
Thank you for understanding, ****. If you need further legal assistance, would you like me to provide you with contact information for a probate attorney in your area?