Probate Real Estate Guidance


Probate laws vary by state. In Louisiana, if a person dies without a will, the estate is distributed according to intestate succession laws. As the child of the deceased, you may have a claim to the estate, but the presence of a stepmother and her nieces could complicate matters. The estimated value of the estate, including real estate and bank accounts, will be crucial in determining the probate process. Consulting a probate attorney in Louisiana is advisable to navigate these complexities.

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Probate an realastate
Are you dealing with a probate issue related to real estate? If so, could you please provide more details?
What state are you in? Probate laws can vary significantly from state to state.
I am in Texas,but the property is in Louisiana
What is your relationship to the deceased and did they leave a will?
Father an step mother,not that I know of
Did your father and stepmother have any children together or any other potential heirs?
No children together,she had some nicies
What is the estimated value of the property in Louisiana?
The property an contents of house guessing *,*, but there was *,* in checking account
What is the estimated value of your father's entire estate, including the property, contents of the house, and checking account?