Contesting Unfair Will Distribution


Your girlfriend may challenge her stepdad in court if she believes the will was improperly executed, the deceased was not of sound mind, or undue influence was involved. Consulting a local probate attorney is advisable for specific guidance.

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My girlfriend’s mother passed and verbalized her wishes for money for her. But her mom’s boyfriend did not honor her wishes and my girlfriend was not unfortunately in the will even though she said what she wanted. Can my girlfriend bring her stepdad to court for the money
Hello Kindra, I'm sorry for your girlfriend's loss. It's important to know where this occurred as inheritance laws vary by location. Is your girlfriend's stepdad the executor of the estate?
Unfortunately he is her beneficiary
Hello Kindra, your girlfriend may challenge the will in court if she has grounds, such as if:
- The will wasn't properly witnessed or signed
- The deceased was not of sound mind when she made the will
- The will was made under undue influence or fraud
Please consult a lawyer for further assistance.
But he is very money hungry so he’s trying to keep it all.
Hello Kindra, it sounds like a challenging situation. If your girlfriend believes her stepdad is mishandling the estate, she may be able to take legal action. It would be wise to consult a lawyer in her location for specific advice.