Claiming Unclaimed Property Michigan


In Michigan, debts are generally paid from the deceaseds estate before distribution to heirs. Unclaimed property becomes part of the estate. If the estate is insolvent (debts exceed assets): Priority is given to burial and funeral costs, last illness expenses, taxes and debts. Any remaining assets are distributed to creditors. Debt collectors cant pursue heirs unless they co-signed the debt.

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My dad died in * and has unclaimed property in Michigan. I believe he had some debt so if I claim it will debt collectors come after me?
In Michigan, debts are generally paid from the deceased's estate before distribution to heirs. Unclaimed property becomes part of the estate. If the estate is insolvent (debts exceed assets):
- Priority is given to burial and funeral costs, last illness expenses, taxes and debts.
- Any remaining assets are distributed to creditors.
Debt collectors can't pursue heirs unless they co-signed the debt.
Madison, did you co-sign any of your father's debts? Also, do you have an estimation of the total debts and assets of your father's estate?
Given your situation, it's important to know:
- Debt collectors can't come after you if you didn't co-sign your father's debts.
- Unclaimed property in Michigan will become part of your father's estate and used to pay off his debts.
Please consult a local probate attorney for personalized advice.