Foreclosure Due To Tax Errors


Filing an Emergency Petition for Administrator of Estate in Montgomery County, Texas involves drafting the petition with details about the decedent, petitioner, estate assets, and liabilities. Include specific errors at the tax office and the foreclosure issue. Submit the petition to the Montgomery County Probate Court, pay the filing fees, and attend the court hearing to present evidence supporting the need for emergency administration.

Full Conversation

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS EMERGENCY PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR *. Decedent's Information: Name: Breland Fred Spicer Date of Death: May *, * Address at Time of Death: * North St, New Caney, TX * *. Petitioner's Information: *. Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Relationship to Decedent: Child (Daughter) *. Estate Information: Primary Asset: The decedent's home, currently foreclosed. Other Assets: None known. Estate's Liability: The outstanding amount owed due to the foreclosure. *. Reason for Emergency: The decedent's home was recently foreclosed on due to errors at the Montgomery County Tax Office. It is imperative that an administrator be appointed immediately to address this crisis. Any delay will result in the permanent loss of the property and further financial hardship for the estate. Time is of the essence. The urgent nature of this situation necessitates the immediate appointment of an administrator to prevent further complications and losses. *. Proposed Administrator: Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Qualifications: As the decedent's child, I am deeply invested in resolving this unfortunate situation and preserving my family's home. I am committed to taking swift action to negotiate with the lender, address the tax office's errors, and ensure the estate's financial obligations are met. Relationship to Decedent: Daughter Consent: I, Anjanette Spicer, consent to serve as administrator and sign this petition. *. Requested Powers and Duties: Given the urgent need to resolve the recent foreclosure, I respectfully request that the administrator be granted the following limited powers and duties: Pay Taxes and Fees: Pay the outstanding taxes and any associated fees or penalties to the appropriate tax authority to clear the foreclosure. Access estate funds or, if necessary, obtain a loan secured by the property to make the required payments. Property Management: Take any necessary actions to reclaim the foreclosed property, if possible. Secure and maintain the property. General Estate Administration: Access and manage estate bank accounts to facilitate the above actions. Perform any other necessary tasks directly related to resolving the foreclosure. *. List of Heirs and Beneficiaries: Anjanette Spicer *. Notice: Notice of this petition will be provided to all interested parties as required by Texas law. *. Prayer: WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that the Court immediately appoint Anjanette Spicer as administrator of the Estate of Breland Fred Spicer, with the limited powers and duties outlined above, to address the urgent situation caused by the foreclosure. Respectfully submitted, Anjanette Spicer MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS EMERGENCY PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR *. Decedent's Information: Name: Breland Fred Spicer Date of Death: May *, * Address at Time of Death: * North St, New Caney, TX * *. Petitioner's Information: *. Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Relationship to Decedent: Child (Daughter) *. Estate Information: Primary Asset: The decedent's home, currently foreclosed. Other Assets: None known. Estate's Liability: The outstanding amount owed due to the foreclosure. *. Reason for Emergency: The decedent's home was recently foreclosed on due to errors at the Montgomery County Tax Office. It is imperative that an administrator be appointed immediately to address this crisis. Any delay will result in the permanent loss of the property and further financial hardship for the estate. Time is of the essence. The urgent nature of this situation necessitates the immediate appointment of an administrator to prevent further complications and losses. *. Proposed Administrator: Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Qualifications: As the decedent's child, I am deeply invested in resolving this unfortunate situation and preserving my family's home. I am committed to taking swift action to negotiate with the lender, address the tax office's errors, and ensure the estate's financial obligations are met. Relationship to Decedent: Daughter Consent: I, Anjanette Spicer, consent to serve as administrator and sign this petition. *. Requested Powers and Duties: Given the urgent need to resolve the recent foreclosure, I respectfully request that the administrator be granted the following limited powers and duties: Pay Taxes and Fees: Pay the outstanding taxes and any associated fees or penalties to the appropriate tax authority to clear the foreclosure. Access estate funds or, if necessary, obtain a loan secured by the property to make the required payments. Property Management: Take any necessary actions to reclaim the foreclosed property, if possible. Secure and maintain the property. General Estate Administration: Access and manage estate bank accounts to facilitate the above actions. Perform any other necessary tasks directly related to resolving the foreclosure. *. List of Heirs and Beneficiaries: Anjanette Spicer *. Notice: Notice of this petition will be provided to all interested parties as required by Texas law. *. Prayer: WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that the Court immediately appoint Anjanette Spicer as administrator of the Estate of Breland Fred Spicer, with the limited powers and duties outlined above, to address the urgent situation caused by the foreclosure. Respectfully submitted, Anjanette Spicer MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS EMERGENCY PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR *. Decedent's Information: Name: Breland Fred Spicer Date of Death: May *, * Address at Time of Death: * North St, New Caney, TX * *. Petitioner's Information: *. Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Relationship to Decedent: Child (Daughter) *. Estate Information: Primary Asset: The decedent's home, currently foreclosed. Other Assets: None known. Estate's Liability: The outstanding amount owed due to the foreclosure. *. Reason for Emergency: The decedent's home was recently foreclosed on due to errors at the Montgomery County Tax Office. It is imperative that an administrator be appointed immediately to address this crisis. Any delay will result in the permanent loss of the property and further financial hardship for the estate. Time is of the essence. The urgent nature of this situation necessitates the immediate appointment of an administrator to prevent further complications and losses. *. Proposed Administrator: Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Qualifications: As the decedent's child, I am deeply invested in resolving this unfortunate situation and preserving my family's home. I am committed to taking swift action to negotiate with the lender, address the tax office's errors, and ensure the estate's financial obligations are met. Relationship to Decedent: Daughter Consent: I, Anjanette Spicer, consent to serve as administrator and sign this petition. *. Requested Powers and Duties: Given the urgent need to resolve the recent foreclosure, I respectfully request that the administrator be granted the following limited powers and duties: Pay Taxes and Fees: Pay the outstanding taxes and any associated fees or penalties to the appropriate tax authority to clear the foreclosure. Access estate funds or, if necessary, obtain a loan secured by the property to make the required payments. Property Management: Take any necessary actions to reclaim the foreclosed property, if possible. Secure and maintain the property. General Estate Administration: Access and manage estate bank accounts to facilitate the above actions. Perform any other necessary tasks directly related to resolving the foreclosure. *. List of Heirs and Beneficiaries: Anjanette Spicer *. Notice: Notice of this petition will be provided to all interested parties as required by Texas law. *. Prayer: WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that the Court immediately appoint Anjanette Spicer as administrator of the Estate of Breland Fred Spicer, with the limited powers and duties outlined above, to address the urgent situation caused by the foreclosure. Respectfully submitted, Anjanette Spicer
Here are the general steps for filing the Emergency Petition for the Appointment of an Administrator in Montgomery County, Texas:
*. **Draft the Petition:**
- Include details about the decedent, petitioner, estate assets, and liabilities.
- Specify the errors at the Montgomery County Tax Office and the foreclosure issue.
*. **Required Information:**
- Decedent’s full name, date of death, and last address.
- Petitioner's details and relationship to the decedent.
- List of heirs and beneficiaries.
- Detailed reasons for the emergency.
*. **Filing the Petition:**
- Submit the petition to the Montgomery County Probate Court.
- Pay the filing fees.
*. **Attend the Hearing:**
- Present evidence supporting the need for emergency administration.
~Montgomery County Probate Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * North Main Street, Conroe, TX *

Would you like more information on how to prepare for the court hearing?
Can you draft it based on this information MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS EMERGENCY PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR *. Decedent's Information: Name: Breland Fred Spicer Date of Death: May *, * Address at Time of Death: * North St, New Caney, TX * *. Petitioner's Information: *. Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Relationship to Decedent: Child (Daughter) *. Estate Information: Primary Asset: The decedent's home, currently foreclosed. Other Assets: None known. Estate's Liability: The outstanding amount owed due to the foreclosure. *. Reason for Emergency: The decedent's home was recently foreclosed on due to errors at the Montgomery County Tax Office. It is imperative that an administrator be appointed immediately to address this crisis. Any delay will result in the permanent loss of the property and further financial hardship for the estate. Time is of the essence. The urgent nature of this situation necessitates the immediate appointment of an administrator to prevent further complications and losses. *. Proposed Administrator: Name: Anjanette Spicer Address: * North St, New Caney, TX * Phone Number: *-*-* Qualifications: As the decedent's child, I am deeply invested in resolving this unfortunate situation and preserving my family's home. I am committed to taking swift action to negotiate with the lender, address the tax office's errors, and ensure the estate's financial obligations are met. Relationship to Decedent: Daughter Consent: I, Anjanette Spicer, consent to serve as administrator and sign this petition. *. Requested Powers and Duties: Given the urgent need to resolve the recent foreclosure, I respectfully request that the administrator be granted the following limited powers and duties: Pay Taxes and Fees: Pay the outstanding taxes and any associated fees or penalties to the appropriate tax authority to clear the foreclosure. Access estate funds or, if necessary, obtain a loan secured by the property to make the required payments. Property Management: Take any necessary actions to reclaim the foreclosed property, if possible. Secure and maintain the property. General Estate Administration: Access and manage estate bank accounts to facilitate the above actions. Perform any other necessary tasks directly related to resolving the foreclosure. *. List of Heirs and Beneficiaries: Anjanette Spicer *. Notice: Notice of this petition will be provided to all interested parties as required by Texas law. *. Prayer: WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that the Court immediately appoint Anjanette Spicer as administrator of the Estate of Breland Fred Spicer, with the limited powers and duties outlined above, to address the urgent situation caused by the foreclosure. Respectfully submitted, Anjanette Spicer
Sure, here is a draft of the Emergency Petition for Appointment of Administrator based on the provided information:
*. **Decedent's Information:**
- Name: Breland Fred Spicer
- Date of Death: May *, *
- Address at Time of Death: * North St, New Caney, TX *
*. **Petitioner's Information:**
- Name: Anjanette Spicer
- Address: * North St, New Caney, TX *
- Phone Number: *-*-*
- Relationship to Decedent: Child (Daughter)
*. **Estate Information:**
- Primary Asset: The decedent's home, currently foreclosed.
- Other Assets: None known.
- Estate's Liability: The outstanding amount owed due to the foreclosure.
*. **Reason for Emergency:**
- The decedent's home was recently foreclosed on due to errors at the Montgomery County Tax Office.
- It is imperative that an administrator be appointed immediately to address this crisis