Small Claims Court Guidance


In Illinois, the small claims limit is $10,000. You must be 18 to file a claim, and hearings are held in Henry County Small Claims Court. For trial preparation, present your case clearly with evidence, bring witnesses if necessary, cross-examine the defendants witnesses, and make a closing statement. Consult a legal professional for specific advice.

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Hello Jay, nice to meet you. How may I assist you with your legal concerns today?
I need to know if im able to take someone to small claims about my current, past and issues involving my living situation since last July to current. Involved me being pregnant until this Feb. In march i had to move out of my apartment because of safety. So still paying that but what can i do.
Hello Jay, before providing a detailed response, I need to know your location as laws regarding small claims vary by region. Also, could you provide more details about the safety issues and who you intend to sue?
Moorhead MN
Hello Jay,
In Moorhead, MN, you can sue in small claims court for up to $*,*. However, these cases typically involve disputes such as unpaid rent or damage to property. Depending on the nature of your safety issues, you might need to file a different type of claim.
I got an eviction notice during this even though i was paying my bills. Have receipts.
Hello Jay,
In Minnesota, it's illegal to evict someone without a court order. If you have proof of your payments, you can defend your case:
- Gather all your payment receipts
- Prepare to show any communication related to eviction
- Consult a legal aid office for further assistance.