Small Claims Oral Agreement


Oral agreements in California can be legally binding but are challenging to prove. Small claims court handles disputes up to $10,000. Family relationships can complicate proceedings. To review similar cases, use resources like Google Scholar, Justia, or local law libraries. For specific cases like Garcia vs. Garcia, dated June 22, 2018, these resources can also be helpful.

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i want similar cases to review
To find similar cases to review, you can look at legal databases or court records. Here are some resources where you might find relevant cases:
- Google Scholar: Offers free access to legal opinions from U.S. federal and state courts.
- Justia: Provides case law and legal information.
- Local Law Libraries: They often have access to case law databases.
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garcia vs garcia june * *
It seems like you're trying to find information about a specific case, Garcia vs. Garcia, dated June *, *. Here are some general steps to locate case details:
- Google Scholar: Search for court opinions.
- Justia: Browse case law and legal information.
- Local Law Libraries: Access case law databases.
Would you like help with searching in one of these resources?