Suing Barbershop In Missouri


You can sue a Missouri-based company in state courts even if the CEO is outside Missouri. File small claims in the county where the business is located. Each claim must be for $5,000 or less, allowing you to sue the barber and the barbershop separately for up to $5,000 each. To proceed, determine the correct court, complete necessary forms, pay filing fees, serve the defendants, gather evidence, and attend the court hearing.

Full Conversation

Yes. Can I sue the barber for 5K then the Company for 5K so 5K each? Or does it need to be 5K max?
In Missouri, you can file multiple small claims cases, but each claim must be for $*,* or less. You can sue the barber for up to $*,* and separately sue the barbershop for up to $*,*.
Would you like more details on how to proceed with filing your small claims lawsuits?
Alright, here’s how you can proceed with filing your small claims lawsuits in Missouri:
*. Determine the Correct Court:
- File in the county where the incident occurred or where the defendant resides.
*. Filing the Claim:
- Complete the necessary small claims forms available at the local court or online.
- Pay the filing fee (varies by county).
*. Serve the Defendant:
- Ensure the barber and the barbershop are properly served with the lawsuit papers.
*. Prepare Your Case:
- Gather all evidence, including photos, receipts, advertisements, and any communication.
*. Court Date:
- Attend the court hearing and present your case.
Would you like specific forms or additional details on any of these steps?