Tenant Safety And Surveillance


Diana is experiencing break-ins, unauthorized surveillance, and harassment in her Washington apartment. Her landlord refuses to secure her door, and the police have been unhelpful. She has kept journals, but they are stolen, and her devices and social media accounts are hacked. Diana fears wrongful institutionalization and her disabled sons safety. She is advised to contact Disability Rights Washington, Adult Protective Services, and consult a local attorney. She should also use public or friends phones to seek help and visit the police station in person.

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People are breaking into my apartment and stealing my things, drones follow me people gollowing me. Landlord will not make door more secure. People are sabotishing my vehicle, there are cameras in my apartment i was not told about and people know my sleeping habbits, my ex is narcisdistic sociopath who told me he was going to put me in an institution and by the time he is done with me I wont be alloud in washington state. Most of these people are connected to him and this othet person and dirty cops are involved.
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Could you please let me know which state you currently reside in so that I can provide you with the most accurate legal information for your location?
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. In Washington, you have several legal options:
- You can file a police report for the break-ins and damage to your vehicle.
- Report unauthorized surveillance to the police.
- You can request a protection order against your ex.
- File a complaint against your landlord for not providing a secure living environment.
Remember, it's your right to feel safe in your own home.
I have talked to the police and they only say to me do you need to go to hospitsl and be checked out. These people have gone to the courts and have lied when my ex attacked me. The judge would only allow me to answer yes or no so he got off and they dropprd the no contact order.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. You may want to consider:
- Writing down events as they happen for evidence.
- Contacting a local legal aid service for advice.
- Reapplying for a protection order.
Remember, you have a right to safety and protection.
I have kept journsls and they steal them when they break in. They know where i put everything and know evetything i do. Thry have all my devices hacked thry have tsken over my social media. They even went to south dakota and stole my storage unit.
I'm sorry to hear about your ongoing distress, ****. Here are some steps you might consider:
- Contact a cyber-security expert for your devices.
- Back up important files and documents online securely.
- Reach out to social media companies about your hacked accounts.
- Consider filing a complaint with the police in South Dakota regarding your storage unit.
Who is hoing to have my back when they wrongfully put me in an instution and kick my disabled son out on the street or instute him too and then steal the rest of my things
I'm truly sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Washington State, you can reach out to:
- Disability Rights Washington for your son's protection.
- Adult Protective Services if you fear wrongful institutionalization.
- Consider consulting with a local attorney for support.
Remember, your rights and your son's rights are protected by law.
I have tried. They have me blocked from getting any help. They divirt all my calls to fake people. I only get scam calls, emails text messages.
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, ****. Here's what you can do:
- Use a public phone or a friend's phone to contact help.
- Visit the local police station personally to file a report.
- Consider finding a local advocate or attorney who can assist you in person.