Landlord Harassment Legal Rights


Landlords in Mississippi cannot discriminate based on employment status and must provide written notice before eviction. Defamation is illegal. Contact a local lawyer or legal aid service for assistance. For Poplarville, reach out to Mississippi Center For Legal Services.

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Rose Henry
Hello Rose, welcome to FreeLawChat. How may I assist you with your legal issue today?
I being harraest and bullied by my landlord
I'm sorry to hear that, Rose. In Mississippi, landlords must follow certain procedures. Harassment and bullying by a landlord can be a violation of your rights. Could you please provide more details about the incidents?
Its all started last year around Sept mybe October I was working as a customer service agent for VA and the company Worked under lost thier contract. I gave my notice to my landlord. I live in a Rule Devlooment Apartment Complex. The loss of my job was no fault of my own and I went promptly to my landlord so that she can adjust my rent according to my income or lack there of. She started to fill out the paperwork then looks at me and says "We dont allow that here. You have to have a job to live here." At the time I was unaware that she had to adjust my rent due to my income drop. I left the office. A few weeks after that My Father died of he had Cancer but COVID took him. He was my bestfriend. My family lives in Cheyenne WY. I am in Poplarville MS. I was divisted. I cloudnt afforn to go home to be with my mom, sister and Son put my Daddy to rest. I watched his service alone via facetime My Son's phone to Mine. I fell ito the biggest sinck whole of deppression Ive ever known. My landlord let month after month go by stacking back rent on me. Its my downstairs neighbor who lives directly under is. being told by my landloard that I stole her idenity and money. She knows about my rent balance. My landlord is very unprofessional. Now she has force me to sign a poromissary not for the back rent and is threanthign me evicit me probaly will succeed I need help ASAP!
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. In Mississippi:
- Landlords cannot discriminate based on employment status.
- They must provide written notice before eviction.
- Defamation is illegal.
I'd recommend contacting a local lawyer or legal aid service.
For Poplarville, you can reach out to:
~Mississippi Center For Legal Services
Phone: (*) *-*