Eviction And Mental Health


Maine law offers protections for tenants facing eviction, including the right to cure lease violations. If you believe your mental health condition is being used against you, it may be considered discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. Consult with Pine Tree Legal or seek a second opinion for specific advice.

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I'm being evicted and I'm bi polar the eviction is for minor lease violations and they won't let me stay
Hello ****, sorry to hear about your situation. Can you please tell me where you are located? This will help me provide more accurate information.
Bath Maine
Hello ****, Maine law offers protections for tenants undergoing eviction:
- A landlord must have a valid reason for eviction, like not paying rent or violating lease terms.
- You have the right to cure the violation, meaning fixing the issue.
- If you're evicted, your landlord must provide a written notice.
Consider consulting with a local lawyer for specific advice.
I have pine tree legal but I feel like they are using my bi polar as a reason
Hello ****, if you feel your mental health condition is being used against you, it may be considered discrimination. The Fair Housing Act protects tenants with disabilities, including mental health conditions. I suggest discussing this with your representative at Pine Tree Legal or consider seeking a second opinion.