Landlord Privacy Violation Concerns


Landlords in Maine must respect tenant privacy. Unauthorized entry, unreasonable times, and harassment may violate state law. Consult a local tenants rights attorney for detailed advice.

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Pat Paluska
Hello Pat Paluska, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I have a guestion abóut my landlord. She seems to think that she can drive right into your yard at anytime and call and say I am outside the. She peeks in the windows when we are not home and just comes over when she feels like it.
Hello Pat Paluska. It sounds like you're dealing with a potential violation of privacy. To provide you with the most accurate information, could you please tell me which state or country you are located in?
I am located in the United States and live in the state of Maine.
Hello Pat Paluska. In Maine, landlords must respect your right to privacy. These actions could potentially violate Maine law:
- Entering without reasonable notice
- Entering at unreasonable times
- Harassment or invasion of privacy
Please consult with a local tenant's rights attorney for further advice.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome, Pat Paluska. I'm glad I could provide some general guidance. If you need further legal advice, don't hesitate to contact a local attorney or tenant's rights organization. They can help you understand your rights in detail.