Landlord Privacy Violation Ohio


Ohio tenants have rights to privacy and protection against theft. If a landlord rummages through personal belongings, it may violate Ohio laws. Ohio Revised Code 5321.04 mandates landlords to respect tenant privacy, while Ohio Revised Code 2913.02 addresses theft. Consider contacting a local attorney for further advice.

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Rental issue. Landlord rummaged through personal and cloesd belonging as well had relocated or took items
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your issue. This situation could potentially fall under invasion of privacy or theft. Can you please tell me where you are located so I can provide accurate legal information?
Toronto ohio
Hello ****,
Based on your location in Toronto, Ohio, here are some relevant laws:
- Ohio Revised Code *.*: Landlord's responsibilities include respecting tenant's privacy.
- Ohio Revised Code *.*: Theft is illegal.
Consider contacting a local attorney for further advice.