Grandparents Visitation Rights Virginia


Non-biological grandparents in Virginia can petition for visitation rights if its in the childs best interest. Courts consider the childs welfare and existing relationships. Consulting a family law attorney is advisable for specific guidance.

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Can a father of the child keep my husbands mom and dad from her when she has helped raise her?
Hello ****, in Virginia, grandparents can petition for visitation rights under certain conditions. Here's what you should know:
*. The court considers the best interest of the child.
*. Past involvement in the child's life can be a factor.
*. Parental rights are highly regarded.
Could you please tell me more about the situation?
Ok but they are not biologically her grandparents
Under Virginia law, non-biological grandparents can also petition for visitation rights. The court will consider the child's best interest and the existing relationship between the child and the grandparents. Can you explain their relationship with the child?
She is super close with my husbands parents and the father is now trying to strip rights from them for no reason.
Given the close relationship, it might be in the child's best interest to maintain contact. If your in-laws can prove this relationship is beneficial, they may have a case. They should consult with a family law attorney in Virginia for more specific advice.