Grandparents Visitation Rights Louisiana


Grandparents in Louisiana may sue for visitation if the parents are divorced or if the child is in an unhealthy situation. If the parents are married, grandparents generally have no right to sue for visitation. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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My parents are suing for visitation of my children simply because I choose not to let them in my children's lives
Hello ****, could you please let me know the state you are currently residing in? As laws regarding grandparents' rights to visitation vary by location, this information will help me provide you with accurate advice.
Hi ****, in Louisiana:
- Grandparents may sue for visitation if the parents are divorced
- If the parents are married, the grandparents have no right to sue for visitation
- In certain circumstances, they can sue if the child is in an unhealthy situation.
Please consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.