Judge Dismissed Case Unfairly


If your case was dismissed without a hearing, you may file an appeal. Obtain the court transcript, identify legal errors, and file a Notice of Appeal within 42 days. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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the judge dismissed my case without hearing my side of the case.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Ann. To better assist you, could you provide more details about the type of case that was dismissed? This will help understand the potential legal avenues available to you in Alabama.
i was told i would be heard by video but no contacted me and dismissed my case
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Ann. In Alabama, it's important for due process to be followed:
- All parties should be notified about the hearing.
- Everyone should have the opportunity to present their case.
If you feel this didn't happen, you may want to consider filing an appeal. Please consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
what to i do
You can consider filing an appeal. This involves:
- Getting a copy of the court transcript.
- Identifying any legal errors.
- Filing a Notice of Appeal within the deadline.
Please consult with an attorney for personalized advice.
how and where do i file an appeal
In Alabama, you can file an appeal by:
- Going to the Clerk of the Court where your case was initially heard.
- Filing a Notice of Appeal within 42 days of the judgment.
- Paying the required fee.
Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.