Child Support Arrears Florida


If you owe back child support in Florida, its crucial to confirm your arrears status. Contact the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Program to check your case details. You can access their online portal to review your case, make payments, and update your information. Consulting a Florida-based family law attorney can also help you understand if the initial child support amount was calculated accurately and if any adjustments can be made based on your circumstances.

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Back child support that I owe
Hi Andrea, could you please provide more details about your situation? Also, your location would be helpful as laws regarding child support vary by state.
It's out of Florida
Hello Andrea,
In Florida, the child support law states:
- Child support is typically paid until the child turns *.
- In some cases, it can extend until the child turns * or graduates high school, whichever is later.
- Unpaid child support becomes a judgment by operation of law.
Could you please tell me if there's a court order for the child support?
don't have a court order. I just calculated the amount myself and I've been paying it regularly.
Yes there is I don't know much about it I haven't received anything in years
Based on your situation, here are some general points:
- If you've been paying without a court order, it may not be officially recognized as child support.
- You should consult with a family law attorney in Florida.
- Establishing a formal court order could help clarify your obligations.
They are are adults now
Have you consulted with a Florida attorney to discuss your obligations now that your children are adults? If not, it would be advisable to do so as Florida law may still require you to pay any outstanding child support.
No cause I don't live there haven't since *
Andrea, even though you don't live in Florida anymore, the laws may still apply to you as the child support was originally set there. Have you considered consulting with a Florida-based attorney remotely?
Also it was for 3children when only * lived with him
Andrea, were all * children included in the original court order for child support? This could affect the amount you owe, especially if one child did not live with the custodial parent.
Yes and the oldest didn't live with him he lived with my mother til she passed away then he went to my brother before his father took him back with him
Andrea, given that the oldest child did not live with the custodial parent for a period of time, it may affect the amount of child support you owe. Have you considered seeking a modification of the original court order based on these circumstances?
I haven't done anything except pay til they no longer garnish my wages and tax return
Andrea, it seems you've been dealing with wage and tax return garnishments. In Florida, these garnishments can continue until the entire child support debt is paid off. Have you considered seeking legal advice to determine if the amount you owe can be adjusted based on your circumstances?
I the amount to start with was way more then it should have been to begin with I've always work minimum wage jobs
Andrea, it's essential to consult a Florida-based family law attorney. They can help you understand if the initial child support amount was calculated accurately based on your income, and if any adjustments can be made now.
If I owe still why haven't I received anything from them and nothing from checks have been garnish as well as the last two years I've gotten my tax returns
Andrea, the cessation of garnishments and receipt of tax returns could mean your arrears are paid off. But it's crucial to confirm with Florida's Child Support Enforcement Agency or consult a Florida-based lawyer to ensure you don't have remaining obligations.
How do I find out if I still have arrears witch I would say I do seeing how the 1st day it was order they put me in debt over * thousand dollars
Andrea, to check if you still have arrears, you should contact the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Program. They have an online portal where you can review your case details, including any arrears you might owe.
I've tried to find it and haven't been able too
I understand your difficulty, Andrea. Would it help if I provide the contact details of the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Program? They should be able to assist you directly.
Can I do everything online
Yes, Andrea. The Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Program offers online services. You can check your case status, make payments, and update your contact information. Visit their official website to access these services.
Where would I find this site
You can access the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Program website at This will allow you to check your case status, make payments, and update your information.
Thank you
You're welcome, Andrea. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with everything!