Dna Test And Marriage


In Texas, a man is presumed to be the father if he was married to the mother when the child was born. A DNA test can help establish biological paternity. Marrying another man does not typically affect the biological fathers rights, which remain unless legally terminated. Terminating parental rights does not absolve one from paying child support. Courts focus on the best interests of the child, and marital status might affect financial calculations for child support. Always consult a lawyer for personal advice.

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I went to child support court today. The father of my daughter asked for a dna test. The attorney general asked me if I had married another man and asked him if he married another woman. Why is that?
Hello ****, the questions regarding marriage might be related to:
- Determining the legal responsibilities of other parties.
- Understanding the family dynamic.
- Investigating potential changes in child support requirements.
The laws vary based on location. Can you tell me where this happened?
Can I what
Hello ****, could you please clarify your question? I'm here to provide you with the legal information you need.
On zoom in Texas
In Texas:
- A man is presumed to be the father if he was married to the mother when the child was born.
- A DNA test can help establish biological paternity.
- Changes in marital status could affect child support calculations.
- Always consult with a lawyer for personal advice.
Will me marrying another man affect the rights my child father has
In Texas:
- Marrying another man does not typically affect the biological father's rights.
- The biological father maintains his rights unless legally terminated.
- Child support obligations persist despite changes in the mother's marital status.
Always consult a lawyer for personal advice.
If I marry a man does he become the father of my child previously before marriage
In Texas:
- Marrying another man does not automatically make him the legal father of your child.
- The biological father retains his rights unless they're legally terminated.
- The new husband can adopt the child, but it requires legal processes.
Consult a lawyer for personal advice.
Do you pay child support even if you sign your rights away in Texas
In Texas:
- Generally, terminating parental rights does not absolve you from paying child support.
- Child support and parental rights are separate issues.
- Termination of parental rights typically occurs in extreme circumstances or adoption cases.
- Consult a lawyer for personal advice.
Does marrying another man look better on you in child support court
In Texas:
- Marrying another man does not necessarily influence a child support case.
- Courts focus on the best interests of the child.
- Your marital status might affect the financial calculations for child support.
Consult a lawyer for personal advice.