Child Support Modification Process


In Indiana, you can file a motion to modify child support and request income verification simultaneously. For calculating overnight visits, consider every other weekend as 52 overnights annually, subtracting any weekends that coincide with your holiday time. Add any additional holiday overnights as specified in your parenting plan. For accurate child support calculations, review your parenting plan for specific holiday schedules and adjust accordingly. You can find necessary forms and instructions on the Indiana Judiciary website.

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Renee from Indiana
Hi Renee! What type of legal issue are you facing? This will help me provide you with the most relevant information.
I need to file a modification for child support but would like to also ask the court to verify income. what order should I file the motions
Hi Renee! You should file the motion to modify child support first. Once that's filed, you can request the court to verify income during the proceedings. This ensures the court has all necessary financial information when considering the modification.
You can find the forms and instructions on the Indiana Judiciary website. Would you like help locating the specific forms?
can the two be submitted at same time
Yes, in Indiana, you can submit both motions at the same time. This way, the court can consider the income verification while reviewing the child support modification request. Do you need any help with the forms or finding legal assistance?
Case Rating: *
You can find the forms and instructions for modifying child support and requesting income verification on the Indiana Judiciary website. If you need more detailed assistance, you may consider seeking legal advice. Would you like to know how to locate these forms or need further help with anything else?
how do I calculate number of overnight visits when noncustodial has every other weekend and holidays according indiana parenting time
Case Rating: *
To calculate the number of overnight visits for a noncustodial parent in Indiana who has every other weekend and holidays, follow these steps:
- Every other weekend: * weekends per year (* weeks/*) results in * overnights.
- Holidays: Add the number of holiday overnights as specified in your parenting plan.
Would you like more detailed information on Indiana parenting time guidelines?
he picks the kids up on Friday at 6pm and returns them on Sunday afternoons between *-3pm, is that considered a weekend
Case Rating: *
Yes, in Indiana, picking up the kids on Friday at 6pm and returning them on Sunday afternoon between *-3pm is considered a weekend visitation. This would count as two overnights per weekend.
Would you need any further clarification or assistance with the Indiana parenting time guidelines?
Confused how he would get * weekends plus holidays. Some of those weekends he is getting credit for the kids are actually with me because its is my holiday time. What is the most accurate way to calculate for accurate child support calculations
Case Rating: *
To accurately calculate the number of overnight visits for child support calculations in Indiana, you should:
- Count the overnights for every other weekend (* weekends = * overnights).
- Subtract any weekends where holidays fall on your designated time.
- Add any additional holiday overnights as per the parenting plan.
Would you need more detailed guidance on how to adjust for holidays overlapping with your time?
Case Rating: *
To adjust for holidays overlapping with your time:
- Review your parenting plan for specific holiday schedules.
- Subtract weekends that coincide with your holidays from the * overnights.
- Add any specific holiday overnights assigned to the noncustodial parent.
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