Facing Fraud Conversion Lawsuits


Franz Kippes is being sued for fraud, conversion, quiet title, and breach of contract in New York. He is unsure about the specifics of his case and the civil law involved. He is considering hiring a lawyer to represent him in court and has been advised to contact the New York State Bar Association for assistance.

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Yes am getting suet for breach of contraci, quiet title, fraud
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information.
New York
What specific legal issue are you facing in New York?
Fraun, conversion,quite title and breach of contract
Can you provide more details about the circumstances surrounding these issues? This will help me provide more accurate information.
Don't really understand why am getting suet
What specific actions or events led to you being sued for fraud, conversion, quiet title, and breach of contract?
Don't know much about civil law, i think this causation is have no bases. But i have to go to court, don't want to go along
Have you considered hiring a lawyer to represent you in court? In New York, you can contact the New York State Bar Association for assistance.