Unfair Funeral Home Charges


Funeral homes in New York must provide a detailed bill for services. If you feel overcharged, you can file a complaint with the Bureau of Funeral Directing. Legal action may be an option if the complaint doesnt resolve the issue.

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My situation is my brother inlaw passed away in a different state and was cremated in the state he passed in and was send in the mail to a funeral home in the town my mother inlaw lives in to be picked up and the funeral home where he was sent to charged my mother inlaw almost * dollars just to pick him up aftwr he was sent there and they did nothing but receive him in the mail there was no services and they did not provide absolutely anything and the place he was cremated and sent from only charged us * hundred dollars is there anything at all we can do about getting the money back that was absolutely wrongfully charged at the most difficult time in our lifes they took advantage of us and we never delt with anything like this before so that is why my mother inlaw didnt question it but when i looked at the papers and see that they char
Hi Courtney, I'm really sorry for your loss and the situation you're facing. To provide the most accurate information, could you please let me know the state where the funeral home is located?
charged us that crazy amount for them doing nothing i had to contact someone to see what i could do
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. In order to give you the best advice, could you please tell me in which state the funeral home is located?
New York
I'm sorry for your situation. In New York:
- Funeral homes can charge for services rendered, including receipt of remains.
- If you feel overcharged, you can file a complaint with the Bureau of Funeral Directing.
- You may also consider legal action if you believe you've been wronged.
There was no services they only received the ashes thats it and * is alot just to receive him
I understand your concern, Courtney. In New York:
- Funeral homes must provide a detailed bill of services rendered.
- If you believe you were unfairly charged, you can file a complaint with the New York Department of Health's Bureau of Funeral Directing.
- Legal action may be an option if the complaint doesn't resolve the issue.