Suing Ebay For Refund


To sue eBay for a refund in Pennsylvania, start by contacting eBays customer support. If unresolved, use eBays Money Back Guarantee. As a last resort, file a small claims lawsuit for up to $12,000 with the local Magisterial District Judge. Consult a local attorney for guidance.

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Hello ****, how can I assist you with your legal concerns today? Could you please specify your location for better assistance?
Hi ****, it seems you've entered a number (*) instead of providing details about your legal concern. Could you please clarify your issue? Also, your location would be beneficial for more accurate advice.
Can you help me with a question
Of course, ****! I'd be happy to help with your legal question. Could you please provide me with more details about your issue?
I am looking for an attorney that can help me sue or recover money from ebay
Hello ****, to sue or recover money from eBay, you might need to follow these steps:
*. Contact eBay's customer support to resolve the issue.
*. If it's unsuccessful, you can use eBay's Money Back Guarantee.
*. Filing a lawsuit should be the last resort.
Could you tell me where you are located to provide specific legal help?
Explanation: In Pennsylvania, small claims can be filed for up to $*,*. You might need to:
*. File a claim with the local Magisterial District Judge.
*. Attend a hearing.
You should consult with a local attorney to guide you through the process.
Bar association
It seems you're looking for a Bar Association in Pennsylvania to find an attorney. Is that correct?