Lost Package Claim Options


You may have grounds to pursue a claim for the 37 euros if DPD fails to deliver the package or provide a satisfactory resolution. In Croatia, you can generally only claim compensation for actual losses. Since the value of the item is 37 euros, you would typically be entitled only to that amount unless you can prove additional damages. You can file a consumer complaint with the Croatian Consumer Protection Agency by gathering all relevant documents, visiting their official website, and submitting the complaint form.

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it was * euros
You may have grounds to pursue a claim for the * euros if DPD fails to deliver the package or provide a satisfactory resolution. Here are your options:
- Contact DPD again with a written complaint, attaching any receipts or confirmations.
- If unsuccessful, you can consider filing a complaint with the Croatian Consumer Protection Agency.
Would you like more details on how to file a consumer complaint?
can I somehow sue them for more money, it was vitamins in the packaging if that helps
In Croatia, you can generally only claim compensation for actual losses. Since the value of the item is * euros, you would typically be entitled only to that amount unless you can prove additional damages.
Would you like more details on how to file a consumer complaint?
You can file a consumer complaint with the Croatian Consumer Protection Agency. Here’s how:
*. Gather all relevant documents (receipts, confirmations, communications with DPD).
*. Visit their official website or contact their office.
*. Fill out the complaint form and submit it along with the documents.
Would you need help finding the official website or contact details?
You can find the Croatian Consumer Protection Agency's contact details below:

Croatian Consumer Protection Agency

Phone: +* * * *
Website: www.mingo.hr/page/contact
Would you need help with anything else related to your case?