Towing Company Overcharging Issue


If a towing company in Ohio overcharges you beyond the maximum rates set by the Public Utilities Commission and fails to provide prior notice or an itemized invoice, it may be violating state laws. You can file a complaint with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio or consider legal action. For legal aid, contact the Legal Aid Society of Columbus or Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. In Toledo.

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towing company towed my two semis / tractor trailers trucks from a storage co
Hello Floyd. I understand that your vehicles were towed. Could you please clarify if there was any prior notice given before the towing? This information will help me understand your situation better.
no notice was giving to me. but the towing co is the issuse . they are over charging me
Hello Floyd, in Ohio, it's illegal for a towing company to overcharge you beyond the maximum rates set by the Public Utilities Commission. If they didn't provide a notice, it may also be a violation. Did you receive an itemized invoice for the charges?
Hello Floyd, you should have received an itemized invoice and a prior notice before towing. In Ohio, the law also sets maximum rates for towing. Here are your options:
- File a complaint with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
- Consider legal action for any violations.
Would you like contacts for legal aid in Ohio?

Legal Aid Society of Columbus

Phone: (*) *-*
is there one in toledo ohio ?
Yes, there is a legal aid society in Toledo, Ohio.

Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc.

Phone: (*) *-*
You're welcome, Floyd! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your situation.