Mechanic Repair Delay Rights


Mechanics in Missouri have the right to keep your vehicle until the bill is paid. Withholding payment can lead to a mechanics lien. If you already have the car, unpaid mechanics can still file a lien and sue for costs. Mechanics must provide a reasonable repair timeline. If they dont communicate or significantly exceed the timeline, you may have a claim for damages. Consult a local attorney for tailored advice.

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In Missouri:
- Mechanics have a legal right to keep your vehicle until the bill is paid.
- Communication is key, you can discuss the delay and negotiate.
- Withholding payment might lead to a mechanic's lien against your vehicle.
Please consult a local attorney for tailored advice.
What if i already have the car
Even if you have the car, in Missouri:
- Unpaid mechanics can file a mechanic's lien against your vehicle.
- If unpaid, they can sue you to recover the costs.
Always consult with your local attorney for advice tailored to your situation.
So a mechanic can hold my car as long as they want without telling me without repercussions
In Missouri:
- Mechanics must provide a reasonable timeline for repairs.
- If the mechanic doesn't communicate or significantly exceeds the timeline, you may have a claim for damages.
- Always consult with a local attorney for specific advice.