Vehicle Title Transfer Issues


In Maryland, vehicle title transfer is essential for legal ownership. Notarization alone doesnt suffice. Failure to transfer the title can lead to disputes, fines, or legal issues. If the original owner refuses to transfer the title, consulting a local attorney and possibly filing a civil suit may be necessary. Contact the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) for further guidance.

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Hello! It's great that you're reaching out from Maryland. However, I need a bit more information to guide you properly. Could you please elaborate on the legal issue you're facing?
We bought a vehicle for $* and we got it notarized in our name. Then we traded with someone and now they are trying to threaten us because we didn’t put it in our names first and we didn’t realize we had to we had just thought that when we got it notarized into our names that it was in our name
In Maryland:
- The title transfer must be completed for the vehicle to legally be in your name.
- Notarization doesn't equal ownership.
- Not following proper title procedures can lead to legal issues.
Please consult with a local attorney or the MVA for further guidance.
What will happen
If you did not complete the title transfer, the vehicle may not be legally considered yours in Maryland. This might lead to disputes, fines or legal complications. It's advisable to contact Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) or a local attorney for assistance.
Can I get my truck back
In Maryland, if the original owner refuses to transfer the title to you, you may need to consult with a local attorney and consider filing a civil suit. This, however, depends on the specifics of your case. It's advisable to contact the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) for guidance.