Dailypay Fraud Legal Options


If you believe you were defrauded by Dailypay, you may be entitled to damages beyond the original amount. File a complaint with the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs. If no agreement was signed, proving fraud may be more challenging.

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My dailypay got frauded a year ago I’ve been calling them wanting my money and they keep doing the same thing and putting me on hold for hours and hours each day after saying my money would be sent and I’m only getting *,* dollars and to pay for a lawyer it’s up to *,* dollars if I sue can I get more money than what I was getting before?
Did you sign any agreement with Dailypay?
In New Jersey, you may be entitled to damages beyond the original amount if fraud is proven. However, it's case-specific.
In New Jersey, if no agreement was signed, it may be more challenging to prove fraud. However, you can still file a complaint with the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs.