Credit Card Rewards Policies


The user, Crystal, inquired about the policies of credit card companies, specifically Chase/JP Morgan, regarding the withholding of rewards cash and lowering of credit limits due to only paying the minimum amount due each month. The user is located in South Carolina and holds a Chase Freedom and Amazon credit card. The user reported that Chase lowered her Amazon credit card limit.

Full Conversation

I just need to know can a credit card company withhold your rewards cash, and lower another Credit card for just paying the minimum amount due every month?
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information as credit card laws can vary by state.
South Carolina
What is the name of your credit card company? This will help me provide more accurate information as policies can vary by company.
Chase/ jp Morgan
What is the specific rewards program you're enrolled in with Chase/JP Morgan? This will help me provide accurate information as policies can vary by program.
Im not sure what its called, but can they just decre
What exactly do you mean by "decre"? Are you asking if they can decrease your rewards or credit limit?
Can Chase decrease my credit limit on my Amazon Credit card for just paying the minimum amount due? Because i have paid over the minimum due before but going on hard times i have be
What is the exact credit card you have with Chase? This will help me provide accurate information as policies can vary by card.
Chase freedom and Amazon
What is the specific issue you're facing with your Chase Freedom and Amazon credit cards?
Chase lowered my Amazon credit limit for me just paying the minimum amount due
Did you receive any notification from Chase about this change in your credit limit?