Illegal Towing Dispute Resolution


In Missouri, towing companies must follow specific guidelines, including providing detailed receipts and securing towed vehicles. If a vehicle is towed from a public highway before 24 hours, it may be considered an illegal tow. Review the receipt for discrepancies and file a complaint with the Missouri Attorney Generals Consumer Protection Division if necessary. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I live in missouri my girlfriend used my truck andcran out if fuel on a county road she pulled over off the side so shewasnt blocking the roadway and walked to get fuel by thectime she got back thectruck was being towed and now the company is trying to charge me * for fees to get my truck back and he has it parked inhis backyard unsecured and onlivked most of my belongings are now gone what can i do
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Missouri:
- Towing companies must follow certain guidelines for fees and storage.
- They must provide a receipt detailing the charges.
- They are responsible for securing towed vehicles.
Did you receive a receipt for the towing? Was there an official notice before the towing?
I just got one today ive been in hospital
I'm sorry to hear about your hospitalization, ****. Please review the receipt thoroughly. If there are discrepancies or if the charges seem excessive, you can file a complaint with the Missouri Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division.
He is trying to keep my truck how do i legalu avoid this
To retrieve your truck, you should:
- Pay the fees if they appear correct.
- If charges seem excessive, dispute them with the towing company.
- If unresolved, contact Missouri Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division.
- Alternatively, consult with a local attorney for legal advice.
Doesnt a vehicle have to be deamed abandoned for * hrs before ots towed
In Missouri, a vehicle isn't considered abandoned until it's been left for at least * hours on a public highway. For private property, the owner decides when to have it towed. Please consult a local attorney for more information.
So it does have to be * hours so if it wasnt * hours it was illgaly towed correct
In Missouri, if your vehicle was towed from a public highway and had not been there for at least * hours, it could be considered an illegal tow. I recommend consulting with a local attorney to evaluate your specific circumstances.