Rental Car Theft Dispute


If a rental car is stolen, report it to the police and the rental company. The rental company might charge you until the car is recovered. Contact your insurance or credit card company, as they may cover theft. If the rental company is uncooperative, consult a local attorney, document all evidence, and consider contacting the Tennessee Consumer Affairs Division. Juvenile records are usually confidential, but police should investigate if theres evidence of another suspect. You may have the right to remove your card on file, depending on your rental agreement. If recorded conversations are used against you, consult a lawyer. Escalate issues to higher authorities within the police department or Enterprises corporate office.

Full Conversation

I was in a accident a girl hit me cars in shop insurance takes care all that as I was at no fault I get rental have it one week and on video outside my home it’s stolen * am same day around * pm car is recovered after car chase with police but the police won’t tell me anything at all says not my car enterprise won’t tell me nothing says talk to the police we can’t help u but also still charging me daily for a car I can’t even know location of after police recovered it but yet I have pay for it
Hello Kayla, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please tell me where this is happening? The laws vary by location, and this information will allow me to provide the most accurate advice.
Hello Kayla, I understand your concern. In Tennessee:
- If a rental car is stolen, you should report it to the police and the rental company.
- The rental company might charge you until the car is recovered.
- It's important to contact your insurance or credit card company, as they may cover theft.
Please consult with a local attorney for specific advice.
insurance is covering the damages from the accident but not the theft. I have no idea what to do next. Is there any legal action I can take?
Insurance said it has nothing do with them seeing how the car was fully recovered by police and enterprise has yet to go get it from the police or allow me to recover it so it sits waiting and I can’t even get my own items from the car or anything and still pay for it
I'm sorry for your situation, Kayla. You might consider:
- Contacting a local attorney to understand your rights
- Requesting a police report for the theft
- Watching for an invoice from the rental company
- Consulting with a consumer protection agency in Tennessee.
These steps may help you resolve the matter.
The police when I reported it stolen I never heard from them again they did not write a report in front me or anything I told them out side of the bin tag number color and make so when they recovered the car and spoke to local paper after I told them the car was stolen from my home and the last time I touched the car was when I got my wallet from the car before getting in my bf truck to go to Walmart in his truck not the car but the police told the paper that it was reported the one and only key to the car was stolen from the car at Walmart I then drove the car home without the one and only key parked it and he somehow followed me home and took it which logically makes no sense
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Kayla. It might be beneficial to:
- Request a copy of the police report.
- Contact your local consumer protection agency or legal aid office.
- Consult a local attorney for specific advice.
Remember, these are general suggestions and it's crucial to get legal advice tailored to your situation.
But given the invalid info about the whole thing would police report even be use full as it’s litterly incorrect
A police report, even if incorrect, could still be useful. It serves as official documentation of the incident. Discrepancies can be addressed with legal help. It's advised to consult with a local attorney about this matter.
I thought I left the key in the car when I got my wallet out cause I couldn’t find the keys and on camera he didn’t break windows or anything but I later spoke with my next door neighbor who was outside before I left after I unlocked car to get my keys said no she litterly picked them up off the ground when they fell out my back pocket as I climbed into the truck and she thought I seen her toss it into the floor board but cause I didn’t know she did so till now less then * hrs later and there video him breaking into the truck also which is where he got the key to rental and enterprise refuses hear anything outside of I left key unlocked and keys inside when that’s not what happen
Your situation is complex. You may want to:
- Document your neighbor's account
- Seek an attorney to dispute Enterprise's claims
- Use the video footage as evidence
- Consult with a consumer protection agency.
Remember, these are just suggestions. Consult a local attorney for tailored advice.
The lady at enterprise was rude saying oh well ur fault any time I asked for assistance said guess don’t leave keys i truly couldn’t wrap my head around leaving keys on the car I knew for fact I didn’t but I had no way explaining the missing keys till after I spoke with my neighbor who’s cars also was broke into and police saw the videos and said it’s weird how he went in every car even opened my bf truck tools box looking for something yet took nothing and was circling rental car then after getting in the truck where the keys was it was clear he wanted that car only and was looking for items to get in the car then found keys in another vehicle he went into I also was confused to all that on footage esp if the car was u locked and keys in it why he went through * cars took nothing at all but then at end took the car only
I'm sorry to hear that, Kayla. Here's what you could consider:
- File a complaint about the employee's behavior to Enterprise.
- Provide Enterprise with the video evidence.
- Consult a local attorney for further advice.
- Contact the consumer protection agency in Tennessee.
Remember, this is general advice.
I tried to give the videos they flat out told me they don’t want or need them I asked for a email address to provide footage and info to and again they refused to supply me with one
I'm sorry to hear about your experience, Kayla. You may want to:
- Consult with a local attorney for guidance.
- Report the issue to the Tennessee Consumer Affairs Division.
- Consider legal action if Enterprise continues to charge you.
Remember, this is general advice and specific legal counsel is recommended.
The other issue at hand is the person who stole the car is a minor so all public info is blocked from me I can’t even verify it’s the right person and I don’t even think it is yes he may been in car at time of cops seeing him but on video it’s clearly a grown man now a kid and they don’t care to try see if more then one person is involved or anything
I understand your concern, Kayla. In Tennessee:
- Juvenile records are usually confidential.
- Police should continue to investigate if there is evidence of another suspect.
- Consult with a local attorney to understand your options and rights.
Remember, this is general advice. Specific legal counsel is recommended.
Seeing how enterprise won’t even take down the my retell of the event outside of my first thought of idk how he got keys unless they was in it making me fully at blame and our terms and conditions no valid and will not even listen to me tell them anything else at all and police having a crazy recount that logically makes no sense who and how do I get a official report of mine and my neighbors to be put on the record as what actually took pamcw id no one will listen or speak to me
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Kayla. Here's what you might consider:
- Consulting with a local attorney to understand your rights and options.
- Documenting the accounts and evidence you have.
- Submitting your story and any evidence to the local consumer protection agency or legal aid office.
Remember, this is general advice and specific legal counsel is recommended.
Can I remove my card on file at enterprise
Kayla, you may have the right to remove your card on file. However, it could depend on your rental agreement. Have you reviewed it for any details about this?
I have and litterly no matter what I read look into they just won’t help me in any way at all at the store
I'm sorry to hear that, Kayla. You may want to:
- Contact Enterprise's corporate customer service to raise your concerns.
- Consult with a local attorney.
- Consider contacting your bank to discuss options.
Remember, this is general advice. Specific legal counsel is recommended.
Can they use my original I’m sure audio recorded even tho I wasn’t informed it was recorded on call but I could tell she writting down info as she was making it clear to me it’s my fault in between be used as facts vs my neighbors account along with. The recording tho they don’t show him getting key out of truck but show him going into everyone’s car before the rental when he circles the rental and u can clearly see through window it’s locked cause it has the the push locks on top part of the door all down so he just looks inside don’t touch it till after he went though everyone car first then left with the car he originally was looking at in start can me telling her what I thought took place in any way be fact over all ca tors I have now proving I don’t leave keys in the car
In Tennessee:
- The use of recorded conversations may depend on consent and context.
- If you dispute what was said, you could consult a lawyer.
- Your neighbor's account and video evidence might be pertinent.

Remember, this is general advice. Legal counsel specific to your situation is recommended.
The police even said at arrival y would he go in there cars remove nothing just to open the rental car door one and leave with it and if it was just about a car they had two of the multiple they went though u locked with keys inside so it wasn’t about a car it was about that car
I understand your frustration, Kayla. Have you tried escalating this issue to higher authorities within the police department or have you considered getting a lawyer to help you manage this situation? Answer:
This all happened yesterday
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Kayla. Here are the steps you might want to consider:
- Contact the police department and ask to speak to a supervisor.
- Consult with a local attorney immediately.
- Keep all evidence safe for your attorney.
These are general suggestions, specific legal counsel is recommended.
So not yet I’m still in the emotions of it all
I understand, Kayla. It can be overwhelming. When you're ready, consider the steps previously mentioned. Have you reported this to your bank and insurance company? They may also provide guidance.
I expressed to enterprise I had my sons first field trip today that I was suppose drive myself and him to do to he’s autistic and I need some kinda help to be able to do so instead any help she made point tell me she wasn’t even going try talk to police till tomorrow she made that clear multiple times so I knew she was making point she could care less about anything I needed help at all with
I'm sorry for your troubles, Kayla. Have you considered filing a complaint with Enterprise's corporate office about this employee's behavior? It could help bring more urgency to your situation.
Yes I have but honestly I been trying just ppl please and be patient in hopes of any help in the situation at all I’ve not once yelled gotten upset I’ve kept them fully updated with everything about the car from stolen to on scanner it being in a chase to photos of it recovered in real time and met with rudeness and blame the whole time
Do I have to sign a terminated contract agreement before responsibility of the car is removed from me