Debt Collection Laws Explained


Collection agencies in Pennsylvania must be licensed and cannot use unfair or deceptive practices. If you receive a collection notice for an auto accident from two years ago, contact your insurance provider at the time of the accident. Even if youve changed insurers, your previous insurance company is responsible for claims during your coverage period.

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I got a collection letter from a collection agency about an auto accident that happened two years ago. I have and had insurance at the time but the other party's insurance didnt go through my insurance and now im receiving a collection notice
It seems there has been a miscommunication between the insurance companies. It's advisable to contact your insurance provider and inform them about the collection notice. They should handle the matter with the collection agency.
What if I dont have the same insurance provider anymore
Even if you've changed your insurance provider, your previous insurance company is still responsible for any claims during the time you were covered by them. Contact your previous insurer to discuss the collection notice.