Unfulfilled Loan Agreement Dispute


In India, if someone signs documents believing they will receive money but does not, it can be a breach of contract or even considered fraud. Signed documents without proof of payment can be contested. Consulting a lawyer is advisable for appropriate legal action.

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My friend told me that he will give me money , but he didn't, but he asked me to signed the documents first, I believed in him and I signed the documents but later he didn't give me the money. I have been asking since two years, now finally he put a case on me that I took the money and have a proof of signed documents
Hello Vinay. This situation sounds complex. Can you tell me where this is taking place so I can provide more accurate information?
Hello Vinay. In India, such cases fall under:
- Contract Law: Breach of agreement.
- Criminal Law: Cheating or Fraud.
You should consult a lawyer for appropriate legal action. Remember, signed documents without proof of payment can be contested.