Legal Translation Services


Translations of legal terms like Convoca (Call/Convene) and Remite (Refer) were provided. The phrase y después de analizar la información adjunta en la PR, y el monto referencial en la PR, se requiere llevar a cabo un proceso de concurso de licitación was translated to And after analyzing the attached information in the PR, and the reference amount in the PR, a bidding process needs to be carried out. The difference between tender and bidding processes was explained, and additional translations were provided for specific legal requests.

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translate into english: Convoca
It seems you need the translation of the word "Convoca" into English. "Convoca" translates to "Call" or "Convene" in English.
If you have a legal question or issue you'd like assistance with, please feel free to provide more details.
translate to english: Remite
"Remite" translates to "Refer" in English.
If you have any specific legal questions or issues you'd like assistance with, please provide more details.
translate: y después de analizar la información adjunta en la PR, y el monto referencial en la PR, se requiere llevar a cabo un proceso de concurso de licitación.
"And after analyzing the attached information in the PR, and the reference amount in the PR, a bidding process needs to be carried out."
Do you have any specific legal concerns or questions related to this bidding process?
why not tender process?
A tender process, also known as a bidding process, is typically required to ensure transparency and fairness in awarding contracts.
- Public entities often mandate it by law.
- It ensures competition and best value for money.
- It minimizes corruption and favoritism.
What specific concern do you have regarding the tender process?
what is the different between both processes?
A bidding process and a tender process are often used interchangeably, but they can have specific distinctions based on regional or legal context:
- Tender Process: Formal invitation to suppliers to bid for the supply of specific goods or services. Focuses on transparency and compliance with regulations.
- Bidding Process: Can be broader, involving various types of competitive offers. It includes the tender process but also other forms.
Can you specify if you are dealing with a public or private sector requirement?
translate: Importante: 1Solicito atentamente acuse de recibo de la presente con el objeto de manifestar su intención o no de participar, vía correo electrónico (e-mail), con sus datos de la razón social y contactos de comunicación que estarán participando en el proceso de licitación (Nombre, Correo, Telefono).
"Important: I kindly request acknowledgment of receipt of this communication to express your intention or not to participate via email, including your business name and contact information that will be participating in the bidding process (Name, Email, Phone)."
Do you need help with any specific part of this tender process?
translate: Favor de completar el archivo adjunto, y compartir el Curriculum de su compañía
Translation: "Please complete the attached file, and share your company's Curriculum Vitae."
Do you have any specific legal concerns related to this request?