Cancel Contract Due Anxiety


A contract in Pennsylvania can be canceled within 3 days if it involves a home solicitation sale. For other contracts, terms vary. Mental incapacity, supported by medical evidence, might be a ground for cancellation if it impaired your ability to understand the contract. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I am a widow suffering from anxiety and I signed a contract and I don’t want to go through with it. I have depression and anxiety attacks. What can I do?
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. May I know your location to provide you with accurate information? Also, can you specify the type of contract you signed?
Fairfield, Pa. *
Hello ****, in Pennsylvania:
- A contract can be cancelled within 3 days if it involves a home solicitation sale.
- If it's another type of contract, it depends on the terms of the contract itself.
Please consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
I’m being treated for depression and anxiety by doctors, will that help? I don’t want to sell my home now.
Hello ****, In Pennsylvania:
- Mental incapacity might be a ground for contract cancellation if it impaired your ability to understand the contract.
- Medical evidence can support this claim.
Please consult a local attorney for further advice.