Home Builder Refund Dispute


If a service isnt performed, you should generally be entitled to a refund. This depends on the contract terms and Virginias contract laws. Seek advice from a local attorney.

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I am in a situation with a home builder. I paid over $* for an extended patio upgrade. However, due to the easement, the patio was not able to be done. It is not looking like the loan is going to be approved. I would like to know am I owed my money back. Can they keep my money for an upgrade that they did not do?
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Generally, if a service isn't performed, you should be entitled to a refund. However, this may depend on:
- The contract terms between you and the builder
- Virginia's contract laws.
It's recommended to seek advice from a local attorney.
You're welcome, ****. If you need further assistance or if you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask.