Publishing Contract Dispute Resolution


If a publishing company refuses to provide reports on your novel, review your contract for any clauses about reporting. Document all interactions with the company and consult a local attorney for detailed advice. Minnesota law requires transparency in contracts, and you may need to file a complaint with the states Attorney Generals office if necessary.

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Katie Pearson
Hello Katie Pearson, nice to meet you. I'm here to help you with your legal concerns. Could you please elaborate on your situation so I can provide the most appropriate information?
i am dealing with a publishing company that i went through who are refusing to give me reports on my first novel that i have written.
Hello Katie, I understand your situation.
In Nevada, transparency in contractual relations is essential. If your contract includes a clause about providing reports, the publisher may be in breach.
- Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) *.*
- NRS *.*
It's recommended to seek legal counsel for further assistance.
i am based out of minnesota
Hello Katie, thank you for the clarification on your location. Minnesota law also requires transparency in contracts. Please look at the Minnesota Statutes, specifically:
- Chapter * (Fraudulent Practices)
- Chapter * (Uniform Commercial Code)
Consider consulting a local attorney for detailed advice.
i just need some advice about what i should do
Hello Katie, here are some steps you might consider:
- Review your contract thoroughly.
- Document all interactions with the publishing company.
- Consult a local attorney.
- If necessary, file a complaint with your state's Attorney General's office. Remember to keep records of everything.